About Jay

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But we are proud to say that Jay contributed 37 entries already.

Entries by Jay

Selling a home? Don’t neglect the home inspection!

Home inspections are not just something that homebuyers need to do before they commit to the purchase of a new home. They can be just as important when you are selling your own home, as well. Here’s why you should think about getting one done if you’re in the market to sell your own house, […]

9 Tips for Selling a Luxury Home

Once you’ve listed your luxury home, you have to make sure the sale is successful. While this might seem like an easy process, there are things that can go wrong, from the potential buyer’s financing not going through to them unexpectedly changing their mind about purchasing your home at the last minute. Here are nine […]

What to do if your mortgage is sold by your lender

If you have outstanding home mortgage payments and your lender sells your mortgage loan to another company, you may be concerned about how this will affect you. In most cases, the transfer of your loan doesn’t have to change how you make payments, though there are some things to be aware of. Keep reading for […]

What is a Short Sale? A Real Estate Short Sale Guide

A short sale happens when you sell your home or other real estate property and the lender agrees to accept less than what you owe on the mortgage loan in order to avoid foreclosure proceedings. While this might seem like an attractive option, there are some major risks involved with short sales that you should […]

What is Escrow? The California Escrow Process Explained

Escrow is an incredibly important part of any real estate transaction in California. It’s a trusted third party that holds the funds necessary to complete the purchase and sale of the property until the transaction has been completed. When you sign your escrow agreement, you agree to deposit your earnest money deposit with your escrow […]

What are Buyers Looking For In A New Home?

As home buyers continue their search for the perfect home, what are the top features they are prioritizing? According to a recent survey, common amenities that buyers are searching for include updated kitchens and bathrooms, energy-efficient appliances and materials, open floor plans, and outdoor living spaces. So if you’re considering putting your home on the […]