What is a Short Sale? A Real Estate Short Sale Guide

A short sale happens when you sell your home or other real estate property and the lender agrees to accept less than what you owe on the mortgage loan in order to avoid foreclosure proceedings.

While this might seem like an attractive option, there are some major risks involved with short sales that you should be aware of before choosing this path. In this guide, we’ll take a look at what short sales are, how they work, and why more homeowners are turning to them these days, despite their inherent risks.

Is it the right choice for you?

Selling a home through a short sale can be a difficult process, but it may be the right choice for you if you’re unable to make your mortgage payments and are facing foreclosure. If you’re considering a short sale, it’s important to understand the process and what’s involved.

You’ll also need to work with a real estate agent who has experience with short sales. The real estate agent will act as an intermediary between you and the lender or bank in order to get approval for a short sale.

The lender or bank will typically offer less than what’s owed on the property as part of the deal; this difference in money needs to be agreed upon by all parties before proceeding with the short sale.

It might take some time before any funds are available because lenders generally hold onto any money that would have gone towards paying off the mortgage until after all of their foreclosure proceedings have been finalized.

The process

A short sale is when a homeowner sells their home for less than the outstanding balance on their mortgage.

This can happen when the value of the home has decreased or if the homeowners are facing financial hardship and can no longer make their mortgage payments.

If you’re considering a short sale, it’s important to consult with a real estate agent to understand the process and what to expect. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you through the process:

1) Prepare your property for sale –

Make sure all maintenance issues are taken care of and that your property is presentable so potential buyers will be interested in making an offer.

2) Contact your lender –

You’ll need to contact your lender and submit a short sale package including an executed Purchase & Sale Agreement between the seller and buyer, a Letter of Intent from the buyer’s lender promising to buy back the house after closing, an estimated list price for the house that reflects its current market value, and any other supporting documentation required by your lender.

3) Provide disclosures –

The lender may ask you to provide a HUD-1 Settlement Statement form which will allow them to see how much money the lender would lose from a short sale versus foreclosure.

4) Coordinate inspections –

Once you have your signed purchase agreement and executed sales contract, coordinating inspections with your lender may become necessary before they’ll approve your request for a short sale.

5) Meet with bankruptcy attorney –

The bank may require that you meet with an attorney specializing in bankruptcy law before they agree to proceed with the transaction.

6) Get approval –

In some cases, lenders might require additional approvals (such as creditor permission). Finally, once all conditions have been met, they should close the deal.

Things to consider when looking at a short sale property

1. The first thing to consider is whether or not the property is really a good deal. Just because it’s a short sale doesn’t mean it’s automatically a great deal. Do your research and make sure you’re getting a fair price.

2. Another thing to keep in mind is that short sales can take a long time to go through. If you’re not patient, this may not be the right type of property for you.

3. You also need to be aware that the bank may not accept your offer, even if it’s lower than the asking price. They may counteroffer or they may just refuse outright. Be prepared for this possibility.

4. One more thing to think about is that you’ll likely be dealing with an uncooperative seller. You won’t have much say in how things are done when buying a short sale home, so don’t count on being able to pick out paint colors or flooring. It will likely be up to the current owner what goes into the house and what stays out.

5. Finally, there are often liens against these properties that you’ll have to deal with after closing on the purchase. Make sure you know what those liens are before signing anything!

6. So remember, when considering a short sale home: know exactly what kind of deal you’re getting before taking any steps towards purchasing one!

Interested in short sales and want more info? Let’s connect!

The Real Estate Market is Hot Right Now: Here’s Why You Should Sell Your Home ASAP

Let’s face it, real estate is hot right now. Prices are rising, buyers are snapping up homes as soon as they hit the market, and properties are selling quickly.

But if you’re a seller looking to sell your home quickly and at the best price possible, you may be wondering when the best time to put your house on the market actually is.

Thankfully, there are several factors to consider that will tell you whether it’s time to sell or not.

These are great reasons to sell

1. The real estate market is currently very hot.

2. It’s a seller’s market, which means that there are more buyers than there are homes for sale.

3. This means that you can likely get a higher price for your home than you would have a few years ago.

4. Additionally, interest rates are still relatively low, so now is a great time to buy a new home.

5. If you’re thinking of selling, now is the time to do it!

6. A realtor can help you determine the best time to list your home and can give you advice on how to get the most money for your home.

These are bad reasons to keep your home

1. You think you can wait for a better offer: In today’s market, if you wait for a higher offer, you may never get it.

2. You’re emotionally attached to your home: It’s time to be practical and look at your home as an investment.

3. You don’t have the money to make repairs: Buyers are looking for homes that are in move-in condition.

4. You’re waiting for the perfect realtor: The best time to sell your home is now, regardless of who represents you.

What are the benefits of selling my house now

1. The real estate market is currently hot, which means that there are more buyers than there are homes available. This puts you in a great position to sell your home quickly and for top dollar.

2. Selling now also means that you’ll have more time to find your next home. The current market conditions make it difficult to find a home to purchase, so selling now will give you a head start on the competition.

3. If you wait to sell, you run the risk of the market cooling off. This could mean that your home sits on the market for months without selling, or that you’ll have to accept a lower offer than you would have if you’d sold earlier.

4. By selling now, you can take advantage of current interest rates.

What are some risks of selling my house in a hot market?

1. If you don’t price your home correctly, it could sit on the market for a long time without any offers.

2. There’s always the chance that the market could cool down by the time your home sells, which would leave you with less money than you could have gotten if you had sold earlier.

3. It can be difficult to find another place to live if you haven’t already lined up somewhere to go before putting your house on the market.

4. There’s more competition in a hot market, so buyers might not be as willing to pay top dollar for your home.

5. You might end up having to accept a lower offer than you originally wanted just to get rid of your house quickly.

Tips for preparing my home before it hits the market

After you’ve signed all the paperwork and the final walk-through is complete, it’s time to hand over the keys and wait for the new owners to take possession. But what happens after escrow closes? Here’s a rundown of what to expect.

Once the sale is final, your realtor will hand over the keys to the new homeowners. The new homeowners will then have a grace period to move in, usually around 30 days. After that, you’re officially off the hook!

However, even though you’re no longer responsible for the property, there are still a few things you need to do. For instance, you’ll need to cancel any utilities that are in your name and forward any mail that comes to your old address. Since you don’t want to deal with an eviction notice or collection call, it’s best to stay on top of those tasks.

While many people start thinking about buying a home when they get married or have children, others may decide they want a change of scenery from their city life. So if you find yourself wanting more space or less hassle from maintaining your yard, this might be the perfect time to sell your home and trade up for something bigger or better suited for family life.

How can I set my home apart from others on the market?

If you’re thinking of selling your home, now is the best time to do it. The real estate market is currently hot, and homes are selling fast. If you want to get the most money for your home, you need to set it apart from the competition. Here are seven ways to do just that:

1. declutter and stage your home

2. make any necessary repairs

3. spruce up your curb appeal

4. price your home competitively

5. list your home with a reputable real estate agent

6. market your home effectively

How can I keep my sales price competitive without sacrificing quality workmanship?

It’s no secret that the real estate market is on fire right now. Low interest rates and a high demand for housing has created the perfect storm for sellers. If you’re thinking about selling your home, now is the time to do it. But how can you keep your sales price competitive without sacrificing quality workmanship? Well, there are a few things you can do in order to set yourself apart from other homes on the market.

First of all, take great care of your home before putting it up for sale. Make sure any needed repairs are completed in a timely manner so as not to scare off potential buyers. As soon as those repairs are complete, go ahead and schedule an appointment with a professional photographer so they can come out and photograph your property from top-to-bottom. Professional photos will showcase every aspect of your house–good or bad–so make sure everything looks its best before clicking send.

Another great way to give buyers peace of mind is by performing a home inspection prior to going under contract with anyone interested in buying the property.

Thinking of selling? Let’s talk!

Get in touch and allow me to guide you through your next home sale.

What is Escrow? The California Escrow Process Explained

Escrow is an incredibly important part of any real estate transaction in California. It’s a trusted third party that holds the funds necessary to complete the purchase and sale of the property until the transaction has been completed.

When you sign your escrow agreement, you agree to deposit your earnest money deposit with your escrow agent. And it’s important to understand what happens during this escrow process so you don’t run into any issues when it comes time to close on your purchase or sale.

Understanding Escrow

The escrow process helps ensure that buyers get what they expect when they purchase a home, and sellers receive their payment on time. If you’re buying or selling a home in California, then it’s likely you’ll experience an escrow process.

Read on to learn more about what an escrow company does and how an escrow works in general. First, let’s talk about why escrow exists in the first place. A neutral third party—the escrow company—is used to facilitate transactions between two parties who don’t know each other well enough to trust one another.

This way, both parties can be sure that everything will go smoothly during closing day. The buyer transfers funds into an account controlled by the escrow company, which verifies that all of these funds are available before releasing them to the seller on closing day.

How to Choose an Escrow Company

If you’re buying a home, chances are you’ll need an escrow company to hold onto your deposit and complete your purchase. As a seller, you may want to consider hiring an escrow company to complete your transaction as well. In either case, it’s important to choose carefully. Here are some things you should consider when selecting an escrow company: Is there a minimum amount of money I have to spend with them?

How much will their services cost me per month or year? How long has the escrow company been in business? What types of services do they offer and who can use them (individuals or businesses)? Do they charge any fees for setup, for example?

When Can a Seller Choose their Own Title Company

In many cases, a seller in California has no choice but to use their agent’s title company. But there are times when it makes sense for a seller to not go with their own real estate agent’s company.

One example: If a property is going on sale for more than $400,000, many agents will steer buyers towards one of their affiliated firms. You may be forced to use that company if you choose to stay with your agent, which means you’ll have to pay higher fees and encounter less competition among title companies.

Frequently Asked Questions About the Escrow Process in California

Escrow sounds intimidating, but it’s actually a very straightforward process. An escrow agent—such as a title company or attorney—acts as an intermediary between buyers and sellers. For example, when you purchase a home, you typically make a down payment on your new property and sign over your old place to your lender.

Then, once you close on your purchase, those funds go into an escrow account for eventual transfer to the seller. This protects both parties; in case of default, neither party is at risk since all monies are held by an independent third party. It also reduces the risk for you since there’s no money sitting in limbo while you worry that something might fall through with your closing date.

Get Qualified for a Home Loan

First, you’ll need to start by gathering your financial documents: Federal tax returns (IRS Form 1040), pay stubs, proof of current address, and possibly an appraisal of a property you already own. Once those have been verified, your lender will present you with a loan application and disclosures that detail interest rates, closing costs, and fees associated with obtaining your mortgage.

Your bank will also run a credit check on you to determine whether or not they feel comfortable giving you that loan. Next, they’ll take all of these documents and turn them into a package that can be reviewed by underwriters within their company to make sure it’s everything it needs to be for approval.

Closing Costs & Fees Explained

Whether you’re purchasing or selling a home, it pays to know exactly what you’ll pay at closing. While there are many fees involved in closing, here are a few that typically come up when purchasing property: Loan Origination Fees (LOF): This fee is charged by your lender and covers their costs for processing your loan.

It can range anywhere from 1% to 4% of your total loan amount, but it’s usually around 2%. Settlement/Closing Fees: As its name suggests, settlement fees cover legal and administrative costs that occur at settlement. They typically average about $1000.

What Happens at Close of Escrow

When a buyer and seller agree to close escrow on a particular property, they sign an agreement known as a purchase and sale. In addition to outlining how much money each party will pay during escrow and other details regarding transfer of ownership, the purchase and sale also defines what happens at close of escrow.

While these agreements differ depending on where you live in California, there are several common items that should be addressed during this stage. For example, both parties may enter into a subject-to agreement outlining any exceptions to ownership that are still outstanding.

Transferring Ownership – Change in Deed

When one party transfers property ownership to another, they need to change out any old titles with new ones. This way, everyone knows who owns what land and where. So, if a husband and wife owned a house before getting divorced, for example, both of them would sign their original deed over to an escrow agent—the third party who will hold onto all of their deeds until closing.

These days, most escrows happen online or through an app that can keep track of all involved parties. In fact, it’s likely that you already use some sort of escrow service every time you purchase something on Amazon! That’s because Amazon uses a third-party service called Title Source to help transfer title between buyer and seller in its marketplace.

The more you know about your home sale or purchase, the better!

Connect with me today and I will share all of the resources you’ll need to a successful real estate transaction and closing!

Fill out the form and download the FULL ESCROW GUIDE today!

What are Buyers Looking For In A New Home?

As home buyers continue their search for the perfect home, what are the top features they are prioritizing? According to a recent survey, common amenities that buyers are searching for include updated kitchens and bathrooms, energy-efficient appliances and materials, open floor plans, and outdoor living spaces.

So if you’re considering putting your home on the market, it’s important to keep these features in mind. And if you’re buying a new home, be sure to prioritize the features that are most important to you. By doing so, you can ensure that you’ll be happy with your purchase for years to come.

Location – buyers are looking for homes that are close to schools, work, and shopping

A key selling point for many buyers is a home’s location. If your home is located in a desirable neighborhood, this could make it more attractive to buyers. Likewise, if your home is situated close to schools, parks, or other amenities, this could also be a selling point for potential buyers.

However, many homeowners live in areas that don’t fit this description. Home sellers who don’t live in ideal locations can still find success by making their homes appealing to buyers. Home sellers should start by decluttering and deep cleaning their homes. They should then make any necessary repairs and updates. Finally, they should stage their homes to appeal to buyers. By taking these steps, home sellers can make their homes more attractive to buyers and increase their chances of selling quickly.

Size – most buyers are looking for a home that is between 2,000 and 3,000 square feet

If you’re selling a home that is significantly larger or smaller than this, you might want to consider making some adjustments.

For homes that are on the smaller side, consider decluttering and doing away with any unnecessary furniture. This will make your home appear larger and more inviting. For larger homes, try to highlight the unique features of the home and make use of any extra space by staging it in a way that is appealing to buyers.

No matter what size home you’re selling, remember to focus on its best features and make it look as inviting as possible!

Bedrooms and bathrooms – most buyers want at least 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms

If you have a home that only has 1 bathroom, you may want to consider adding another bathroom. This can be a simple and relatively inexpensive way to boost the value of your home.

Another thing to keep in mind is that many buyers are looking for homes with updated kitchens. If your kitchen is outdated or in need of repairs, this could be a deterrent for potential buyers. Investing in a kitchen renovation can be a great way to increase the value of your home.

Storage space – many buyers are looking for homes with lots of storage space

Unfortunately, most homes don’t have nearly enough storage to meet the needs of the average family. If you’re lucky enough to have a home with plenty of storage, congratulations! You’re in the minority.

If your home is like most, though, you probably need to get a little creative when it comes to storing all your stuff. Here are some clever storage ideas to help you make the most of the space you have:

1. Get rid of stuff you don’t need. This seems like a no-brainer, but it’s amazing how much stuff we hold on to that we never use. If you haven’t used something in six months (or longer), chances are you never will. So get rid of it!

2. Use vertical space. Walls are great for storing things! Hang hooks and shelves to take advantage of all that empty space.

3. Use underutilized spaces. Like the space under your bed or stairs. These are perfect spots for storing things out of the way but still within easy reach.

4. Get creative with furniture. coffee tables with hidden storage, ottomans that open up, etc.

5. Utilize every nook and cranny. No space is too small to be put to good use. Get creative and you’ll be surprised at how much extra storage you can squeeze out of your home.

With a little ingenuity, you can make your homework for you and have all the storage space you need. So get creative and start decluttering today!

Price – buyers are willing to pay more for a home that meets their needs

This is especially true when it comes to finding the perfect home. After all, a home is likely the most expensive purchase that you will ever make. So, it only makes sense that you would want to find a property that perfectly suits your needs.

If you are thinking of selling your home, it is important to keep this in mind and to highlight the features of your home that make it a good fit for the buyer. Doing so could help you to get a higher price for your property. Many buyers will be willing to compromise on some things in order to find a property that is a good fit for them.

Thinking of Buying A Home? Let’s Connect!

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